GSS is successfull in localizing all kind of precious materials below the surface of the earth:
Water, oil, gas, coal, metals (gold, silver, tantalum, chromium, platinum and palladium) , some rare earths and gemstones.
GeoScan Systems usecase – gold detection in Mongolia

GSS has helped several times to locate water, mainly for household use. However, mining operations require water access as well.
GeoScan Systems Use case water detection in Pakistan
GeoScan Systems Use case water detection in Greece
GeoScan Systems Use case water detection in Morocco

GSS can detect and localise subsurface anomalies (e.g. hollow zones, compression zones, wall remains such as found in tunnels, caves, tombs) and organic material und certain materials of interest (e.g. bronze). GSS increases the efficiancy and reduces the time and effort invested by any archaeologists!

When using geothermal energy, there is the risk to disturb the underground with the geothermal drillings which already lead to several subsidences in many different areas (e.g. in the cities Staufen and Böblingen, Germany). By analysing the underground it can be avoided to drill into sensitive zones

Underground Construction and Risk Management
Detection of all kind of structural underground anomalies can reduce significantly the risks and costs of infrastructural projects.

Environmental Projects
GSS can localize contaminated ground (affected area and depth) e.g. in order to clear the ground from contamination